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average rating is 4.2 out of 5
average rating is 4.4 out of 5
average rating is 4.1 out of 5

Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator is a free and open source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators. 

The aim of MAME is to be a reference to the inner workings of the emulated machines; the ability to actually play the games is considered "a nice side effect". The source code to MAME serves as this documentation. The emulator now supports over seven thousand unique games and ten thousand actual ROM image sets, though not all of the supported games are playable. It worth mentioning that the sister-project MESS was integrated into MAME.

Unofficial recent MAME 32-bit versions are available here..

Last Stable Release:





Windows: Vista SP1+

Linux: Nothing reported

MacOS: 10.9+

CPU: Intel Core series CPU or equivalent 2.0 GHz+
GPU: modern card with Direct3D 9.0c+ / OpenGL 


Support files

Info.dat - 0.275

File maintained by MASH containing all the information from "". It gives information about the status of games in MAME-Arcade (i.e. development, bugs, improvements).

    News.txt0.37b1 to 0.275

    ListInfos0.25 to 0.270

Category, Version and Alltime inifiles - 0.275

Sort by category, release year, version, etc.

History - XML 0.275

Access all trivia, facts, tips and other information for the games and machines

WolfMAME - 0.275

Used to prevent cheating (.inp) and important for establishing records


Command.dat - 0.273

Provides in game instructions manual to games that supports it. For example,  you can view the individual command lists for fighting game characters.

Unofficial Hiscore DATFILE - 0.261

It's a complimentary file for saving high scores. Most Mame games save their high scores by default, but over 2500 games do not save their high scores. Needs MAME v0.174 or higher. 

ExtraMAME - 25.3

It's a Windows compatible GUI wrapper with the benefit of being light on ressources and doesn't force you to fuss with difficult configurations, while being compatible with all M.A.M.E games.

gameinit.dat - 0.275

Provides the initialization procedures of some games emulated by MAME

Pugsy's MAME Cheat Pack File - 0.264

The XML/JSON Cheat Collection archives are packed together and will find a large cheat.7z. It's this cheat.7z that should be placed in the same directory as your MAME execute-able.

Wayder XML Cheats - 0.266

It's a cheat pack for MAME.

Check here for 32-bit builds and note they're released a few days after the official release from Retro Danuart.

ARCADE64 - 0.275 (64-bit)

Direct evolution of the previously MAMEUIFX which only contains ARCADE with personnal GUI like the old and original MAME32.

MAMEUI64 - 0.275

This is basically MAMEUI with the support of arcade.ini being restored as well as arcade.flt and mess.flt files (though you have to main it yourself). Also, it's an integrated front-end of MESS.

    MAMEUI64 Plus - MAMEUI with additional features: 0.275

MAME(ARCADE) 0.275 - 32-bit / 64-bit

Modified version of MAME to only have the Arcade portion.

MAME(MESS) - 0.275 - 32-bit / 64-bit

Only includes COMPUTER & GAMING CONSOLE portions of MAME. 

    Shout-out to EmuFrance for compiling the binaries



MAME derivative for Windows that contains various hacks and homebrews.  

   CMD: 0.245.22

   GUI: 0.245.22

NegaMAME - 64-bit - 0.275

Windows / Mac Linux

MAME derivative friendly to third-party front-ends

SDLMAME - 0.274

iIt's a port of the popular MAME emulator to the SDL library and runs on many different platforms, including both 32/64-bit Linux.


Mame32k 0.67.275

MAME compiled with Kaillera for Windows/DOS, which enables Netplay online action with other emulators that support it.


MAME32 More! - 0.84.275

It's based on Mame Plus! with Kaillera, which enables Netplay on it and other emulators that support it.


NMamex2 - 0.275

It's MAME(Arcade) for Windows with support for NeoGeo games.


Caname - 0.62.275

It's a NeoGeo Arcade Machine Emulator


Negatron - 1.0.0 

Windows / Mac / Linux

It's a MAME front-end to assist users in managing the huge list of machines available with ease-of-use in minde, such as checking for any changes or resource updates automatically.


Slackware MAME - 0.275

It's for Slackware Linux

BletchMAME - 2.17 zip / msi

It replaces the internal MAME UI with a more conventional point and click GUI to try providing a friendlier experience in a number of areas (such as profiles, input configuration and others). 

MAME Classic - 10.2.0 - FullPackage / VB6 SP6 files

One of the first front-ends and has a nice classical GUI look. Note it's currently for MAME  0.254 to 0.262.


EmuLoader 8.9.4

Front-end with a nice GUI


pfeMAME - 2.32.5

It's a front end for MAME written in (wx)Python

GameEx - 19.01 - Windows

It's a graphical DirectX based front-end for MAME, PC Games, command line based emulators and much more. It has quite a lot of features and runs on pretty much any Windows. 

ClrMAME - 4.049 - Windows 32-bit / 64-bit

Designed to manage MAME roms, ClearMAMEPro also supports all dates in CM format, but also XML, allowing you to efficiently manage your roms & isos collections. The most complete manager.

      It's Scanner0.07/Rebuilder0.14



average rating is 4 out of 5
average rating is 4 out of 5
average rating is 4 out of 5

GroovyMAME is a fork of MAME aimed at CRT monitors, with a strong focus on CRT preservation since they argue its the only display technology that accurately replicates the genuine video game experience. However you can use GroovyMAME to alleviate some of the annoyances associated to emulation on LCD displays, specially for models that are capable of refreshing at custom rates.

GroovyMAME's main features:

- Improved video and audio synchronization that achieves truly smooth scrolling, tearing-free video and hiccup-free audio.
- Automatic generation of custom video timings for CRT monitors.
- Reduced input latency

While the improved synchronization feature is system independent, you are going to need special hardware and software setups in order to get the full experience. For more information, follow this link

Compatibility List

Last Stable Release:





Windows: XP+ (7+ recommended)

CPU: Intel Core series CPU or equivalent, at least 2.0 GHz
GPU: modern card with Direct3D 9.0c+ / OpenGL 


FinalBurn Neo

FinalBurn Neo

average rating is 3.4 out of 5
average rating is 3.5 out of 5
average rating is 3.5 out of 5

FinalBurn Neo, an Emulator for Arcade Games & Select Consoles is based on FinalBurn and old versions of MAME. Many of the developers of this project worked on FB Alpha and due to a controversy, they parted ways and are now actively developing this one. It currently covers the following home sytems:

  • ColecoVision

  • MSX1

  • Sega Game Gear

  • Sega Master System

  • Sega Mega Drive

  • Sega SG-1000

  • PC Engine

  • SuperGrafx

  • ZX Spectrum

Compatibility List
USB Adapter

Last Stable Release:




Windows: XP users can download build at their github

Mac: No Comments

Linux: Download source and build with "make sdl2"

Raspberry Pi: Download source and build using "make pi"


FinalBurn Alpha

average rating is 3.2 out of 5
average rating is 3.1 out of 5
average rating is 3.2 out of 5

FinalBurn Alpha (FBA) is an open-source, multi-arcade emulator which is also available as a libretro core. It's based off the original FinalBurn source code and includes options such as Kaillera, cheating, etc. It supports quite a lot of machines, though for more details please check Compatibility List.

Last Stable Release:




Windows: XP+

Note: Windows XP users follow this link to download it



average rating is 4 out of 5
average rating is 4 out of 5
average rating is 3.5 out of 5

Raine is mainly a M68000 and M68020 arcade game emulator focusing on Taito and Jaleco games hardware. It started as an experiment and is now capable of emulating some games which MAME can't emulate and more continue to be added quite frequently.

Compatibility List

Last Stable Release:






90b5bfc / 23-03-2025


SuperModel emulates Sega's Model 3 arcade platform which uses OpenGL and SDL library to those arcade games. It's still considered to be in "alpha" stage of development, meaning it lacks many planned features and does not yet have a user-friendly graphical interface, game compatibility remains average, and all CPUs are emulated using straightforward interpretation rather than fast just-in-time translation. 

Front-End UI:  SuperModel 3 UI or SuperModel Assistant


  • Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator (Sinden): adds native Sinden light gun support.

  • Supermodel Dojo: focuses on netplay features, replay, and training options for competitive play.

  • PonMi: Assign keys to perform actions (pause, save/load game state, change the save location). It also lets you change the title of a game (ie several clones).

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