34.02 / 21-03-2025

WinArcadia is a multi-system emulator for the following machines::
Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson, Grandstand, Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu, Palladium, Poppy, Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix...) (1982)
Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Fountain, Hanimex, Interton, Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Voltmace, Waddingtons...) (c. 1978)
Elektor TV Games Computer (1979)
PIPBUG- and BINBUG-based machines (Electronics Australia 77up2 and 78up5, Signetics Adaptable Board Computer, Eurocard 2650...) (c. 1977-1978)
Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978)
Central Data 2650 computer (1977)
Astro Wars, Galaxia, Laser Battle and Lazarian coin-ops by Zaccaria (1979-1981)
Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1980)
Chaos 2 computer (1983)
Dolphin trainer (1977)
PHUNSY computer (c. 1980)
AY-3-8550/8600-based Pong systems (Coleco Telstar Galaxy, Sheen TVG-201...) (c. 1976-1977)
Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer aka 2650 Minimal Computer trainer (1984)
MIKIT 2650 trainer (1978)
VTech Type-right machine (1985)
Features include ReAction GUI, load/save snapshots, windowed and full-screen modes, CPU tracing, trainer, drag and drop support, graphics scaling, automatic load/save of configuration/game, keyboard/joystick/ gamepad/paddle/mouse/trackball support, autofire, turbo mode, gameplay recording/playback, PAL/NTSC modes, sprite demultiplexing, help windows, source code, debugger, frame skipping, redefinable keys, save screenshots (4 supported formats), ARexx port, network play, real-time monitor, locale support, game selection sidebar, text-to-speech, printer output, undithering, support for ZIPped games, clipboard support, palette editor, tone retuning, high score management, force feedback, sprite editor, 3D.
Most Recent Changes
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
CD2650: added "Settings|Input|Queue keystrokes?" option.
"Settings|Sounds|Ambient sounds?" now plays disk drive noises.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Arcadia, Interton: "Help|Game information..." subwindow: added box imagery.
PIPBUG: added "Settings|BIOS|Artemis (PIP4K 3.93)" option.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added support for BPNF and SMS file formats.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: added table tracing option (VERBOSE 1).
CD2650: added "Settings|VDU|ASCII" option.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG 6.1: added 150/300/1200/2400 baud rate options.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved AOF support.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved Galaxia emulation.
Added ASM and DISGAME CLI arguments.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
PIPBUG: added "Settings|VDU|Elekterminal" option.
PIPBUG: enhanced "Help|Guest controls..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements (WinArcadia only).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: PIPBUG: added support for "VIEW BASIC" command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Central Data 2650: added "Settings|DOS »" submenu.
Debugger: added DELETE command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
TWIN: enhanced "Tools|Printers..." subwindow.
Enhanced "Tools|Floppy disk drive(s)..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
CD2650: added preliminary floppy drive emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
TWIN: enhanced "Tools|Printer(s)..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added "Debug" menu.
TWIN: added loading/saving of MOD files.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
CD2650: added "Settings|BIOS »|POPMON" option.
TWIN: added "Settings|DOS »|EXOS" and "Settings|DOS »|SDOS 4.0" options.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Bug fixes (WinArcadia only).
wa: guest controls subwindow: fixed: wrong imagery was being used in some situations.
Interton: added "Project|Save screenshot as »|ASM source code..." command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Arcadia: added "Project|Save screenshot as »|ASM..." command.
BINBUG, PHUNSY, Zaccaria: added "Tools|Screen editor" command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Arcadia and CD2650: added "Tools|Screen editor" mode.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
TWIN: added emulation of Centronics Model 306 printer.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: added PB command.
"Settings|Speed|Adjust..." subwindow: added "Increase frame skipping automatically as needed?" option.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: added IC, IL, IP commands (for I/O port watchpoints).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
TWIN: added "Help|Guest controls..." subwindow.
Debugger: added ERROR command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
TWIN: added "Settings|BIOS/DOS »" options.
TWIN: enhanced "Tools|CPU(s) monitor..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added preliminary Signetics TWIN minicomputer emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
Enhanced "Help|Guest controls..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Arcadia, Interton, Elektor: enhanced "Help|Guest controls..." subwindow.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
AY-3-8500: added 1976 version option.
Assembler: added INCBIN directive.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
CD2650: added printer emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added "Settings|Graphics|Show LEDs?" option.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved BINBUG emulation.
Debugger: added FC, FL and FP commands.
BINBUG: enhanced floppy disk drive subwindow (AmiArcadia).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG: enhanced floppy disk drive subwindow (WinArcadia only).
Debugger: added FPEEK and FPOKE commands.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG: added support for loading and saving CMD file format.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG: improved floppy drive support.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved MIKIT 2650 emulation.
Improved PHUNSY emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
PHUNSY: added "Settings|BIOS|Mini-Monitor" option.
Debugger: improved DEFSYM command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved BINBUG emulation.
BINBUG: added support for "Settings|VDU|Blanking areas?".
Debugger: added DIR command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
incorporated Stefan's latest German translation.
binbug: fixed 4 bad bytes in binbug 6.1 dump.
debugger: fixed: "= IAR" and similar were allowed and produced nonsense output.
debugger: fixed: JUMP command was not setting the limit for the new value.
debugger: fixed erroneous messages and possible incorrect operation when doing eg. "E IAR 1234".
cd2650,phunsy: holding ctrl nows shows the character under the pointer on the status bar.
binbug: now uses a separate user-configurable path for disks.
binbug: changed default bios to V6.1.
aa: os4: replaced existing drawer icons with os3-style ones.
aa: os4: provided missing drawer icons.
aa: os3.2: removed invalid keyboard shortcut for "help|about
reaction...".aa: enhanced "about reaction" window.
aa: fixed: wrong tooltips were shown on sidebar.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved PHUNSY emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG: added preliminary FD1771 floppy disk drive emulation.
Added "Tools|Floppy disk drive..." subwindow.
Debugger: added EXTRACT command.
Pong: added robot mode.
PHUNSY: added support for "Settings|VDU|Blanking areas?".
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: added register watchpoints.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
elektor: improved compatibility for omega landing.
elektor: added an invincibility trainer for omega landing.
watchpoints can now be used on CPU registers.
arcadia: (re-)added knowledge about 7 popular overdumps.
interton: (re-)added knowledge about 10 popular bad dumps.
arcadia: added more credits information about 4 games.
arcadia: fixed: super bug 2 was using the wrong glyph.
arcadia: now uses space vultures glyph for mothership homebrew.
debugger: added support for register breakpoints.
binbug: debugger: fixed: DISGAME command was showing incorrect DOS EQUate information.
fixed: conditional logic did not work with RAS7.
cpu and psg monitors are now more colourful.
various code-level improvements.
wa: cpu monitor: revised gadget layout slightly.
elektor: added more year information about ess games.
wa: fixed: host right speaker volume was too quiet.
debugger: now allows changing eg. the mask of a watchpoint without clearing it first.
aa: added logo image to front page of user manual.
various other fixes and improvements to user manual.
debugger: now understands condition codes as user input, eg. E CC EQ.
debugger: fixed: eg. DOKE CC 3 was being allowed.
aa: sidebar now has per-game tooltips.
wa: fixed some retroachievements-related issues.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
fixed: guide ray was not always being drawn.
elektor: improved game help for ESS-011 games.
interton,elektor: improved sound emulation.
elektor: improved compatibility for basketball, tiny tim and ufo
shooting.arcadia: implemented horizon dejittering for flappy birds v4.
interton: adjusted cpl for kaboom.
wa: fixed: retroachievements memory map was not being changed when changing machines.
arcadia: added game-specific glyphs for sta
Miscellaneous improvements.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
--Bugged out--
Added "Macros|Generate IFF SMUS files?" toggle.
Added "Settings|Colours|PVI colours" option.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Bug fixes
Arcadia/Interton/Elektor: added 2622 USG emulation.
Added support for 2600-dapter (WinArcadia only).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Pong: added AY-3-8500 simulation.
Enhanced BINBUG emulation.
Debugger: added HISTORY command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes
Enhanced AY-3-8550/8600 simulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Improved Central Data 2650 emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added "Macros|Generate MIDI files?" option.
Added "Settings|VDU" submenu.
Miscellaneous improvements.
Improved tape emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
PIPBUG, BINBUG: improved I/O emulation.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
BINBUG: added ETI-640/685 driver.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added "Log|Background colour »" submenu (WinArcadia only).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Added "Log|Background colour »" submenu (WinArcadia only).
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Debugger: added SAVEHEX command.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
Enhanced output window (WinArcadia).
PIPBUG 1, CD2650: added tape recording support.
Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.